Biology Reference
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enteritidis , Streptococcus sobrinus and hepatitis B virus [14, 15,
19, 27]. However, most of these electrochemical genosensors have
the drawback that they require an extra hybridization step with a
probe before the PCR amplicon signal is detected The rapid method
for detection of DNA on screen-printed carbon chips described in
this chapter eliminates this hybridization step by labeling the PCR
PCR amplicon is directly applied to the modified SPC and the HRP
enzymaticreaction is read within15 s [8].
Thus, in this assay, rapid method has eliminated the two steps
that are normally included in the conventional electrochemical
genosensor assay: the denaturation of the PCR amplicon and
its hybridization. Here, we merely immobilized the biotin- and
fluorescein-labeled PCR amplicon on a streptavidin-modified SPC,
followed by incubation with HRP-conjugated anti-fluorescein anti-
body, and the direct detection of the amperometric signal [8].
However, there is a need to incorporate PCR and electrochemical
analysis into a single device for this method to be fully usable for
field applications [13].
15.4 Discussions
Electrochemical enzyme-based biosensor techniques can be used
for DNA and immunoassays (antigen-antibody) based on amper-
ometry [16, 18, 26, 28]. Although the SPC was designed for
DNA detection, it can also be used for the detection of bacterial
cells using antigen-antibody interactions. Rao et al. [2] reported
an antibody-based V. cholerae electrochemical biosensor assay
using alkaline phosphatase (AP) and the Autolab PGSTAT 12
potentiostat/galvanostat equipment However, the lowest detection
limit was around 10 5 CFU/mL, compared to 10 CFU/mL with a
genosensor, hence it is less sensitive than a genosensor. Moreover,
more time (10 min) to read the oxidation signals[8].
Conventional DNA microarrays are based on sequence-specific
DNA detection, but their application in diagnostic tests for field
settings is limited by the large biological samples required and
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