Biology Reference
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14.3.1 Nanorods as Labels
Use of nanorods as labels for electrochemical detection of DNA was
first reported by Wang and coworkers [41]. In this work conical
indium/gold nanorods, approximately 3 to 5 μ minlength,were
synthesized via sequential electrodeposition of Au and indium into
alumina membranes. Following synthesis, the alumina template
was dissolved in 3 M NaOH yielding free nanorods (Fig. 14.8B).
These rods were then modified with thiolated oligonucleotide
Figure 14.8. (A) Schematic representation showing sandwich hybridiza-
tion linking magnetic beads and indium/gold nanorods through the DNA
target, magnetic collection of the DNA-linked particle assembly onto the
thick-film electrode transducer, and solid-state derivative chronopotentio-
metricmeasurementsofthecapturedindiumrods.P 1 ,DNAprobe1;T,DNA
target; P 2 , DNA probe 2; MR, indium/gold nanorods; MB, magnetic beads;
and M, external magnet. SEM images of (B) indium/gold rods and (C) DNA-
linked particle assembly (aftersandwich hybridization assay).
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