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for the same potential range and the data are not influenced by the
current offset. One scan rate is taken as a reference, while more
scan rates are chosen as selected multiples of the reference scan
For elimination procedure, two necessary assumptions must be
1. The total current resulting from different individual processes
such as diffusion, adsorption, and kinetics is formed by the sum
ofthese particular currents:
= I d + I c + I k ,
where I d , I c ,and I k are the diffusion, charging, and kinetic
currents, respectively.
2. The particular currents eliminated are expressed as the product
oftwo independent functions:
= Y j ( E ) W j ( ν ) ,
I j
where Y j ( E )istheelectrodepotentialfunctionand W j ( ν )isthe
scan rate function.
The scan rate function has the form of a certain power of x of the
scan rate. For example, for a substance transported to an electrode
only by diffusion, the rate power coe cient of 1
/ 2 corresponds to
the diffusion current I d , while x = 1 or 0 holds for the charging
current I c ,orthekineticcurrent I k ,respectively[5-7,21].According
to the second condition of the elimination procedure, the particular
currents take the form
Y d ( E ) v 1 / 2
Y k ( E ) v 0
Y c ( E ) v 1
I d =
I k =
and I c =
where Y j ( E ) of the individual current characterizes a proportion-
ality which is independent of scan rate at the selected potential
value. It has been proved that for the elimination function f ( I )in
addition to the total current at a reference scan rate I , the total
currents for half and double of its value, I 1 / 2 and I 2 , are suitable
[5, 7, 13, 21]. EVLS functions have been used for the different
13 years. The types of six elimination functions are presented in
Table 11.1.
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