Biology Reference
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Figure 6.7. Electrochemicalimpedancespectroscopycharacteristicsfora
Au electrode with ssDNA and after hybridization.
method the sample-to-sample variability was reduced as compared
to previously reported immobilization methods. The ratio on the
mole fractions lower than 0.3%.
Electrostatic repulsion between the immobilized negatively
charged oligonucleotide probes and negatively charged ferri/
ferrocyanide redox couple in solution results in a modulation of the
charge transfer resistance with probe surface density. The increase
in negative charge at the sensor surface upon hybridization only
results in a modulation of charge transfer resistance at probe
densitiesabove2.5 × 10 12 cm 2 [37].Thisthresholdisprobablydue
to counterion screening of the oligonucleotide charge resulting in
channels between probes through which the mass transport of the
ferri/ferrocyanide redox couple is unaffected.
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