Biology Reference
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based on the enzyme activity by adding H 2 O 2 and using hydro-
quinoneas a mediator (Fig.3.7D).
The chemisorbing ability of gold NPs in the nano-AuGEC was
demonstrated with an excellent LOD (9 fmol/60 pM of ssDNA) in
hybridization studies. Regarding other electrochemical transducers
previously reported, such as an avidin graphite-epoxy biocompos-
[23], the main advantages of the inorganic nanoAu-GEC electrode
compared to the biocomposite is the lack of loss of activity and that
the latter requires the temperature to be kept at 4 C due to the bio-
logicalnature of themodifier, the protein avidin.
Moreover, and for the first time, a double-tagging PCR strat-
egy was performed with a thiolated primer for the detection of
Salmonella sp. The rapid electrochemical verification of the ampli-
con coming from the pathogenic genome of Salmonella performed
by PCR with a set of two labeled primers was demonstrated to be
an easy way for the thiolation of the PCR product. The thiolated end
ically outlined in Fig. 3.7: (i) DNA amplification and double-labeling
of Salmonella IS200 insertion sequence; (ii) immobilization of
the doubly labeled amplicon in which the SH end of the dsDNA
amplicon was immobilized on the nanoAu-GEC nanocomposites
by chemisorption (Fig. 3.7B2); (iii) enzymatic labeling using as
enzyme label the antibody anti-DIG-HRP capable of bonding the
other labeled extreme of the dsDNA amplicon (Fig. 3.7C); and (iv)
amperometric determination (Fig. 3.7D). With this strategy, as low
almost3 μ A.ThisdoubletaggingPCRstrategyopensnewroutesnot
labeling withgoldor quantumdots during PCR.
The nanoAu-GEC material shows interesting properties for elec-
trochemical genosensing in hybridization experiments and very
biomolecules, such as dsDNA, PCR products, a nity proteins, anti-
bodies,or enzymes.
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