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assistive solution. At the same time, the ATA process would allow obstacles to be identi-
fied and overcome that could have a negative impact on the assignation process, such as
• Lack of inancial resources for the purchase, evaluation, testing, and training of AT;
• A multidisciplinary team composed of professionals that have not been previ-
ously trained to cooperate to the matching process and assist the AT user/client;
• Processes built that do not consider user/customer's needs, priorities, preferences,
and participation in the choice of the AT.
The MPT model aims to help professionals to obtain the best match by using different
measures that have been validated within the biopsychosocial context (Scherer and Sax
2010). Both process and measures would contribute to the promotion of user/client per-
sonal well-being by identifying the best AT within a well-defined process, with trained
professionals and in a completely user-driven model.
3.5 Conclusions
According to Scherer (2002), only through a thorough evaluation can the following be
• The need to modify the environment or support for aid/AT use,
• The impact of limitations on the performance of activities and participation in
desired life roles and settings,
• The balance between functional capabilities and limitations,
• The need for training and the identiication of contexts for trial use (home, school,
• The most cost-eficient AT/aid for the user in terms of usability and aesthetics, and
• The extent to which the AT/aid meets the needs of the consumer and the existence
of any undesirable side effects through a follow-up evaluation.
The ultimate goal of the assignment process of an aid/AT is to improve the functioning
and quality of life of a person with a disability, and many such individuals, where quality
of life and wellness means, in a general sense, “the universe of domains of life, including
physical, mental and social features which constitute what may be called a good life ” (ICF
2001). If the aid/AT does not perform this function, it will not, or rather should not, be
used. Using the MPT process within the ATA process could help professionals achieve a
better matching between user and AT and, thus, a reduction in AT abandonment.
Summary of the Chapter
In this chapter, the assistive technology assessment (ATA) model has been presented. The
ATA model outlines an ideal process that provides reference guidelines for both public
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