Biomedical Engineering Reference
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functional analysis, and psycho-socio-environmental evaluations that address, in a spe-
cific context of use, the personal well-being of the user through the best matching of u s er/
client and assistive solution. (See Conclusions, Section I, this volume.)
Consistent with the ICF model of functioning and disability, the 2002 System, and the ATA
process, the individual's well-being is the rationale of intervention that is guaranteed by
the best match between the user/client and the support or AT. Under the lens of the ICF
biopsychosocial model, by the means of which the user/client's request and the assistive
solution is provided (Figure 1.1), the assessment process evaluates the individual's func-
tioning through “clinical measures, functional analysis, and psycho-socio-environmental
evaluations.” In particular (Figure 1.2), in the “User data collecting” step, the diagnosis has
a central role in the assessment because it is in relation to the diagnosis that the following
setup for matching and assessing tools are designed. However, it is only at the meeting
with the user/client (matching process) that it is possible to observe the individual's perfor-
mance, evaluate their functioning in the most relevant aspects of daily life, and to person-
alize the support by making reference to the socioenvironmental characteristic qualities
or barriers (environmental assessment process) within the user/client's life. Finally, the
user support and follow-up procedures allow us to assess the functioning recursively and
constantly weigh the outcome of assistive solutions in relation to the user's needs and to
the changes faced in the functioning domains of everyday life.
Thus, the role of mediation played by supports and assistive solutions between the
multidimensionality of the specific health conditions of an individual and their effec-
tive functioning in the ATA process seems quite evident. Nor it is to disregard, as a
meta-dimensional process, the dynamic interaction between objective (the center for
Health condition
(disorder or disease)
Body function
and structures
Support &
follow up***
User driven
Assistive solution
* �e physician, the psychologist, the cognitive therapist, the optometrist, the audiologist,
the pediatric specialist, the geriatrician
** �e psychotechnologist, the occupational therapist, the architect, the engineer
*** �e therapist, the special educator, the occupational therapist, the psychologist, the
consumer support, speech language pathologist, the physiotherapist
FIgUre 1.1
( See color insert. ) Assistive technology assessment under the lens of the ICF biopsychosocial model.
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