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to allow the person direct access to stimulation as well as the possibility to call for social
attention and interaction. The fourth section discusses (1) the results obtained with the dif-
ferent forms of technology used and their applicability and possible impact in daily educa-
tion/rehabilitation contexts, and (2) the possibility of using combinations of microswitches
also for programs aimed at simultaneously targeting increases of adaptive responding
and reduction of problem behaviors or inadequate postures.
Algozzine, B., Browder, D., Karvonen, M., Test, D. W., and Wood, W. M. (2001). Effects of inter-
ventions to promote self-determination for individuals with disabilities. Review of Educational
Research, 71 , 219-277.
Begnoche, D., and Pitetti, K. H. (2007). Effects of traditional treatment and partial body weight tread-
mill training on the motor skills of children with spastic cerebral palsy: A pilot study. Pediatric
Physical Therapy, 19 , 11-19.
Browder, D. M., Wood, W. M., Test, D. W., Karvonen, M., and Algozzine, B. (2001). Reviewing
resources on self-determination: A map for teachers. Remedial and Special Education, 22 , 233-244.
Cannella, H. I., O'Reilly, M. F., and Lancioni, G. E. (2005). Choice and preference assessment research
with people with severe to profound developmental disabilities: A review of the literature.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 26 , 1-15.
Catania, A. C. (2007). Learning (4th Interim ed.). New York: Sloan Publishing.
Crawford, M. R., and Schuster, J. W. (1993). Using microswitches to teach toy use. Journal of
Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 5 , 349-368.
Dillon, C. M., and Carr, J. E. (2007). Assessing indices of happiness and unhappiness in individuals
with developmental disabilities: A review. Behavioral Interventions, 22 , 229-244.
Glickman, L., Deitz, J., Anson, D., and Stewart, K. (1996). The effect of switch control site on com-
puter skills of infants and toddlers. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 50 , 545-553.
Green, C. W., and Reid, D. H. (1999). A behavioral approach to identifying sources of happiness and
unhappiness among individuals with profound multiple disabilities. Behavior Modification, 23 ,
Hoch, H., McComas, J. J., Johnson, L., Faranda, N., and Guenther, S. L. (2002). The effects of magni-
tude and quality of reinforcement on choice responding during play activities. Journal of Applied
Behavior Analysis, 35 , 171-181.
Holburn, S., Nguyen, D., and Vietze, P. M. (2004). Computer-assisted learning for adults with pro-
found multiple disabilities. Behavioral Interventions, 19 , 25-37.
Judge, S., Floyd, K., and Wood-Fields, C. (2010). Creating a technology-rich learning environment for
infants and toddlers with disabilities. Infants and Young Children, 23 , 84-92.
Karvonen, M., Test, D. W., Wood, W. M., Browder, D., and Algozzine, B. (2004). Putting self-determi-
nation into practice. Exceptional Children, 71 , 23-41.
Kazdin, A. E. (2001). Behavior Modification in Applied Settings (6th ed.). New York: Wadsworth.
Lachapelle, Y., Wehmeyer, M. L., Haelewyck, M. C., Courbois, Y., Keith, K. D., Schalock, R., Verdugo,
M. A., and Walsh, P. N. (2005). The relationship between quality of life and self-determination:
An international study. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49 , 740-744.
Lancioni, G. E., Bellini, D., Oliva, D., Singh, N. N., O'Reilly, M. F., and Sigafoos, J. (2010a). Camera-
based microswitch technology for eyelid and mouth responses of persons with profound mul-
tiple disabilities: Two case studies. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 31 , 1509-1514.
Lancioni, G. E., and Lems, S. (2001). Using a microswitch for vocalization responses with persons
with multiple disabilities. Disability and Rehabilitation, 23 , 745-748.
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