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emulates, extends, amplifies and modifies sensory-motor, psychological or cognitive
functions of the mind” (Federici 2002), highlighting in this way the intrasystemic rela-
tion between the artifact and the user. Starting from these suggestions, the primary role
of psychotechnologist is to follow a systemic approach to allow users a better autonomy
(TeleMate 2011). This goal is only possible by taking into account the users' needs, their
reached autonomy degree, and the environment in which they live. In this work, we have
explained in more detail two fields of application of this new professional figure: the AT
assignation process in a center for technical aid and the ICT-based systems and services,
i.e., e Systems and e Services.
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for Independence and Care: AAATE 2011 (Vol. 29, pp. 1178-1184). Amsterdam, NL: IOS Press.
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