Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Keeping in mind this profile of qualifications, the graduates of Assistec gain during their
education the vocational title of psychotechnologist or “Expert on Assistive Technologies,”
which can be specified by some criteria. First of all, they are the one central contact person
for clients and users of ATs. Having one main contact person arranging all aspects of the
assortment and provision of AT is a crucial advantage for people provided with AT. The
experts are independent counsellors who are not sales-oriented but do have a detailed
overview of the whole range of AT products and choose the most adequate device for the
clients. Furthermore, AT experts are process managers; that is to say that they are empow-
ered to organize and coordinate the provision process of AT, taking into account juridi-
cal, medical, psychological, technical, economical, and sociological aspects. Obviously not
experts in all domains, they are able to make available the resources and expertise needed
for individual provision. Because of this, they have leadership and management skills.
Moreover, they are a representative of the user group of AT as well as of the economy,
referring to AT organizations producing and distributing AT. In addition, these experts
act as multipliers in their vocational field because they fulfil the task of awareness rais-
ing and sensitization for eAccessibility and eInclusion. Finally, a significant aspect of the
expert's vocational field is the use of mediation and conflict management skills if conflicts
and difficulties emerge during the process of assortment and provision of AT. Figure 9.5
summarizes the influence and impact of the developed Assitec university course and its
graduates on wider society.
9.5.7 Impact
Assistec is seen as an example of education for the emerging field of psychotechnology in
the AT and eAccessibility domain. The course is a contribution toward current efforts on
the eInclusion of people with disabilities by reducing the gap between the growing need
and the lack of offers in education. Graduates have competencies to manage a process
of assortment and provision in complex and diverse settings from the very beginning
through required trainings and maintenance relating to all categories of ATs. They orient
toward eAccessibility and its application in mainstream eSystems and eServices. This
should help to improve the quality of service provision for people with disabilities and
Client &
his/her environment
AT technology
& research
AT economy
& funding
FIgUre 9.5
Fields of expertise of Assistec graduates.
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