Biomedical Engineering Reference
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communicates the results of the whole session to S.A., showing him the potential and the
limits of the proposed solutions. User Support
After the evaluation process, the psychotechnologist meets S.A. and his brother to inform
them about the potential and limits of any proposed technology and to collect information
about any issues raised during the use of the given AT solutions. Follow-Up
The psychotechnologist periodically gets through to S.A. to ask him information about his
experience of use with the solution and his needs by using tools such as QUEST (Demers
et al. 2000, 2002). If necessary, the psychotechnologist asks S.A. to return to the center for
technical aids to perform a new evaluation process.
9.4 The AT Assignation Process in a Center for
Technical Aid and the Psychotechnologist
The following two flow charts show the phases within the assistive technology assessment
(ATA) process in which the psychotechnologist is involved. As is shown in Figure 9.2, the
psychotechnologies specialist plays a role within the user-driven processes by working in
concert with the occupational therapist, the architect, and the engineer.
Health condition
(disorder or disease)
Body function
and Structures
User driven
process **
Support &
follow up ***
Assistive solution
* the physician, the psychologist, the cognitive therapist, the optometrist, the audiologist,
the pediatric specialist, the geriatrician
** the psychotechnologist, the occupational therapist, the architect, the engineer
*** the therapist, the special educator, the occupational therapist, the psychologist,
the consumer support, speech language pathologist, the physiotherapist
FIgUre 9.2
The Assistive Technology Assessment process under the lens of the ICF biopsychosocial model.
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