Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
TABLe 7.1 (COnTInUeD)
Stages of AT Service Delivery: Zoey, Age 36 Months to 5 Years, Novice User
Stages of the AT
Service Delivery Model
Zoey, Age 36 months to 5 Years
Novice User
Zoey, Age 10 years
Power User of AT
The AT team met with the SE
teacher to deliver the switches,
computer software activities, and
universal cuff for classroom
materials. The device was
delivered within 3 weeks, and
the AC loan was returned to the
regional center.
The AT team met with a funding agency and
Zoey's parents and completed the grant
information for the AAC device. While the
grant was waiting for approval, the AT
team, SE teacher, Zoey's parents, and Zoey
set up the other device for use with the
tracker pro (which arrived within 3 weeks).
The grant process took 3 months for
approval and delivery.
The SLP and OT met with the SE
teacher, regular-education teacher,
Zoey, and her parents to set up the
device and training. The OT/PT
worked together with the SE
teacher on positioning and
mounting of the device. The OT/PT
also met with the teacher to discuss
strategies to build endurance in
head control for Zoey for future
possibilities of using other access
points for her device. The SE teacher
was responsible for carryover of the
AT implementation and to contact
AT team for maintenance. The SE
teacher attended regional training
on switch access and using AAC
devices in the classroom to facilitate
The SLP and OT met with SE teacher, the
regular-education teacher, Zoey, and her
parents to set up the new device when it
arrived. The OT/PT worked together with
the SE teacher on positioning and
mounting of the new device with the
tracker device. The head tracker device
was also hooked up with the computer in
the laboratory so that Zoey could complete
assignments there. The SE teacher
continued to be responsible for carryover
of the AT implementation and also for
contacting the AT team/parents for
maintenance. The SE teacher attended
regional training on switch access and
using AAC devices in classroom to
facilitate communication
Management and
The SE teacher and regular-
education teacher (Zoey will be
going into re-ed kindergarten with
support) meet periodic to discuss
Zoey's progress. The AT team will
follow-up quarterly through
E-mail. The team's OT/PT have
met with the SE teacher/parents
and they are looking at a head
support system for the wheelchair
that could help with using a head/
eye tracker system. The SLP
continued with follow-up on
communication programming
needs with the SE teacher. The SE
teacher and aids continue to do
activities to increase endurance of
head control and eye gaze. The SE
teacher contacts the team if
needed. AT considerations are
discussed annually at the IEP
meeting. At this time Zoey is
moving into transitional user and
the current AT is successful.
The SE teacher documented the AT
modifications that were needed for state
testing. The SE teacher documented the
equipment within the IEP for transition to
the next school. The OT/PT continued to
meet with the SE teacher and the regular-
education teacher for access and
positioning needs. The SLP continued with
follow-up on communication
programming needs with the SE teacher.
At this time, Zoey is successfully using the
device and tracking system and is able to
complete her assignments. She is also able to
navigate the computer to complete written
assignments. She is 4 times faster than with
previous the setup and tires less. She uses her
device in all of her activities, and the device
has become part of her persona. Her parents
and SE teacher are very supportive and make
sure that the device is available. Her parents
have looked into other funding options for
eye-gaze system and hope to receive a grant
through the local CP foundation that would
purchase the eye-gaze system.
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