Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 13.9 Oxisol, suborder
Ustox. At the top the thin,
imperfectly developed ochric
epipedon (humus A horizon)
lies over the oxic horizon
containing secondary iron
and aluminum oxides and
hydroxides that give the
typical reddish color and B
horizon containing products
of strong weathering
developed to a depth of more
than 1 m (WRB: Alisol)
Fig. 13.10 Spodosol,
suborder Orthod. Below the
top ochric epipedon (a poor
humus containing A horizon)
lies the white-gray eluviated
E horizon from which iron
oxides were leached out
yielding the whitish ash -like
color and accumulating in the
illuvial I horizon. The bottom
is formed by transported
weathered gneiss (WRB:
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