Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 13.3 Aridisol, suborder
Orthid. The thin top horizon
with a very low humus
content contains soluble salts
that effl oresce on the
topographic surface. Below it
is the horizon with the
highest content of soluble
salts. Parent material is
alluvium that is also usually
saline (WRB: Solonchak)
Fig. 13.4 Aridisol, suborder
Argid. At the top ochric
epipedon (a thin humus A
horizon) merges into an albic
( whitish ) eluvial E horizon
that rests on a well-developed
vertical columnar structure.
Below it appears a natric
horizon with menacingly
high levels of exchangeable
Na + (WRB: Solonetz)
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