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$command = $_GET['command'];
Then, we need to set the URL to which we will send the command. To send the command
to the board, we will use a PHP module called cURL , which will do exactly the same as
what we just did from the web browser.
At this point, you will have to modify the IP address defined in the PHP file and replace it
with the IP address of your board. The following piece of code does just that:
$service_url = '' . $command;
$curl = curl_init($service_url);
Then, we can actually perform the cURL call using the following piece of code:
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 0.5);
$curl_response = curl_exec($curl);
The code for this section can be found in the GitHub repository for this chapter at ht-
tps://github.com/openhomeautomation/arduino-networking/tree/master/chapter4 .
We can now test the interface. Make sure that all the files of this interface are stored inside
a folder at the root of your web server folder, and also make sure that the web server is
running. Then, go to this folder via the localhost path in your browser and open the
HTML file. You should see the following screenshot:
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