Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
In this first chapter of the topic, we built our first project with the Arduino Ethernet shield,
only to check whether the shield was working correctly and whether it could connect to
your local network and to the Internet. We only made sure that the Ethernet shield could in-
deed be connected to the Internet, but this already gave you an overview of everything that
you can do with the Ethernet shield. You saw how easy it is to send requests with the Ether-
net shield, which is something we will use later in the topic to send data from the Ethernet
shield to a remote server.
These were the major takeaways from this first chapter:
• First, we made sure that all the hardware was correctly set and that the shield was
connected to your router via an Ethernet cable.
• Then, we built the first sketch of this topic simply to test that the Ethernet shield
could indeed connect to the local network and the Web. To test this, we built a
sketch that connects to the Web and grabs a test page from a remote server.
• Finally, we uploaded this code to the board and checked that everything was work-
ing correctly by monitoring the status of the connection in the Arduino Serial Mon-
itor. We also defined some strategies on what to do if the sketch didn't work and
the shield could not connect to the Web.
In the next chapter of the topic, we are going to build our first application using the Ether-
net shield. We are also going to use an Ethernet client, but this time to connect to a server
running on our own computer and to send measurements that come from a temperature and
humidity sensor.
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