Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
You can find all the code for this section on the GitHub repository of this chapter at ht-
tps://github.com/openhomeautomation/arduino-networking/tree/MASTER/chapter6 .
You can now test the sketch. The first thing to do is to make sure that you have your own
Temboo account file in the same folder as the Arduino sketch. Then, upload the sketch to
the Arduino board and open the Serial Monitor. The first thing you should see is the con-
firmation message that everything went ok:
Setup complete
Then, you should see the first measurements on the Serial Monitor:
Temperature: 21
Humidity: 39
Depending on the temperature value, you might need to pinch your sensor to trigger the e-
mail alert. Remember, in the example of this chapter, we set a value of 23 degrees for the
temperature. After a while, if the temperature reaches the threshold, you should see the
following message:
Triggered! Calling /Library/Google/Gmail/SendEmail...
After a while, the following confirmation message should appear:
You can now close the Serial Monitor and go check the e-mail account that you set on
Temboo. You should have received a message with the title you set on Temboo, and you
will also receive the body that indicates the generic message you set in the sketch along
with the measured temperature.
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