Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Limitation Details
Primary key attrib-
ute value—Range
The maximum allowed size is 1024 bytes.
The query result set should not be of more than 1 MB.
The scan data result set should not exceed size restrictions of 1 MB.
BatchGetItem can fetch 100 items at a time, provided the total item size does not exceed 1 MB.
Up to 25 PutItem or DeleteItem requests can be fired without exceeding the data size limit of 1 MB.
Data type—String All the strings should be according to UTF-8 encoding.
A number can have up to 38 digit precision.
throughput limit
For US East Region, a table can scale up to 40,000 read or write capacity units, and for the rest of regions, DynamoDB
tables can scale up to 10000 read/write capacity units per table.
These limits do not mean that DynamoDB has technical limitations in it. However, these
limits are put in order to maintain the multi-tenant infrastructure and to avoid any misuse
of the complete infrastructure by a single user or group of users.
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