Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 6
Reconsidering Regional Geography
Education in Japan
Hiroaki Akimoto
Abstract The author reviewed regional geography education programs in Japan,
with a focus on the National Curriculum Standards. The current curriculum has been
constructed with the goal of helping students acquire knowledge about actual condi-
tions in different regions in Japan and the world as a whole. The previous National
Curriculum Standards, which was announced in 1998, was designed to center on ways
of elucidating regional characteristics only. This change was criticized but the two
approaches are essentially complementary. Regional geography education in Japan
has some unique aspects compared to that in Europe and the United States, but shares
the same objectives. Although the challenges of regional geography education lie in
classroom instructional practices, issues within the education system itself, including
the educational environment, also pose issues for geography education.
Keywords National Curriculum Standards ￿ Regional and world knowledge ￿
Regional geography education ￿ Understanding regional characteristics
The greatest change in recent revisions to the National Curriculum Standards for junior
high schools and senior high schools in Japan is in regional geography education.
Regional geography education has played the role of providing school children with
information about Japan and world regions, in addition to fostering an understanding
of the world (Araki 2006 ). Since today's world is becoming rapidly globalized, knowl-
edge about maps, locations, and places is important and thus raises the value of regional
geography courses.
People now have access to large amounts of information about Japan and world
regions through mass media and the Internet. Further, in the very volatile modern
world, the situation in Japan and in the world is liable to change. This being the case, the
meaning of geography as a subject will be called into question if its objective is merely
to supply information about Japan and other world regions (Nishiwaki 1993 ).
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