Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 5.7 (continued )
Geography in
regions of the
classifi cation in the
contemporary world
Classifi ation of regions
Regional classifi cation in different scales
2. Regions in the
contemporary world
Thinking from a regional geographical point of
East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, West and
Central Asia, North and Sub-Sahara Africa,
Europe, Russia, Anglo-America, Latin America,
3. Japan and the contemporary world
Katahira et al. ( 2013 )
Topics on systematic geography, phenomena and theories of landforms, climate,
industries, population, rural and urban areas, culture, and religion are explained
using fi gures and graphs. The section on regional geography begins by defi ning a
theme, followed by explanation of characteristics using a regional geographic per-
spective for each classifi ed region.
The National Curriculum Standards for senior high school, issued by MEXT in
2009 , mentions the use of information and telecommunications networks. Specifi cally,
GIS is mentioned as a tool to collect and analyze data using maps and spatial statistics.
To comply with the curriculum standard, teachers must use GIS in geography classes.
Hence, textbooks in both Geography A and B devote a couple of pages to GIS.
This chapter briefl y introduces the textbook approval system in Japan, as well as
content and skills in the latest geography textbooks from primary to senior high
school education levels.
In Japan, all textbooks are developed by private publishers. MEXT screens text-
books to ensure that they are written in accordance with the National Curriculum
Standards. After screening, only approved textbooks can be published and distrib-
uted free of charge to all students in elementary through junior high schools, and for
sale to senior high school students.
In primary schools, geography education begins with a focus on the local com-
munity around the school. Textbooks deal with a range of topics, from gradually
widening scales of city, prefecture, Japan, and the world. In secondary education,
textbooks guide student thinking about Japan within the world, to interest them in
various issues in the country and worldwide. These textbooks are aesthetically
attractive and colorful, displaying fundamental skills of geography. The ideal of
geography education can be found in these textbooks. Although their quality is not
always matched by that in classroom teaching, good textbooks certainly contribute
to effective class instruction.
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