Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
The Japanese geography education systems has emphasized descriptive regional
geography at the school level. However, efforts are made towards fostering stu-
dents' skills, attitudes, and interest in GIS and map use, active fi eld research, social
participation through geography integration in education for sustainable develop-
ment (ESD), and disaster preparedness. These changes parallel improvements made
to the teacher training system for developing well-qualifi ed geography teachers.
These actions are confronted by both institutional and societal challenges such as
the general public's impression that geography is not important.
Since geography's change from a compulsory to elective status, negative impacts
are seen in senior high schools. Thus, to demonstrate geography's value to society,
the current geography curriculum in senior high schools is being redeveloped and
experimental courses piloted in the classrooms. This provides a model for making
geography compulsory in senior high school. Compulsory geography at this level
would contribute greatly to the development of geography education in Japan by
demonstrating its value to society and that geography is an important part of a citi-
zen's education.
International research fi ndings are currently being considered for the Japanese
geography education system. The work ahead is to fi rmly establish that geography
education and curricular designs meet world standards as well as to ensure that teacher
training programs are apace with the research and developments in high performing
countries worldwide. With collaborative and independent efforts, changes are emerg-
ing. For example, through participation in the International Geography Olympiad,
students and many geography teachers' views are changing and leading to novel expe-
riences and progress. While they are following Japan's traditional geography educa-
tion system, exploration along a new path is underway. This change in geography
education is unique to Japan but also incorporates world geography standards. We
look forward to more developments in Japanese geography education that build on the
aforementioned efforts, both planned and already in progress.
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