Geography Reference
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the young generation is considerably lacking, and balanced knowledge and culture
between geography and history have signifi cantly deteriorated. Fundamental
reform in senior high school history subjects is necessary for the advancement of
geography education.
Central Council for Education (2008) Yochien, syogakko, chugakko, kotogakko oyobi tokubetsu
shien gakko no gakushu shido yoryo tou no kaizen ni tsuite:toshin (Improvement of the national
curriculum of kindergartens, elementary schools, junior and senior high schools, and special
support schools : report). January 17, 2008.
chukyo0/toushin/__icsFiles/afi eldfi le/2009/05/12/1216828_1.pdf . Accessed 2 Dec 2013
MEXT (2009) Koto gakko gakushu shido yoryo (National curriculum for senior high school).
Higashiyama shobo, Kyoto
MEXT (2010) Monbu Kagaku Toukei Youran (Statistical abstract of education, culture, sports,
science and technology). MEXT, Tokyo
National Institute for Educational Policy Research (2000) Syakaika-kei kyoka no curriculum
nokaizen ni kansuru kenkyu: Syogaikoku no doko (Studies on improvement in curriculum of
social studies: trend of foreign countries). National Institute for Educational Policy Research,
National Institute for Educational Policy Research (2004) Syakaika-kei kyoka no curriculum no
kaizen ni kansuru kenkyu: Syogaikoku no doko (2)(Studies on improvement in curriculum of
social studies: trend of foreign countries (2)). National Institute for Educational Policy
Research, Tokyo
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