Geography Reference
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Arai M (2010) Seito ni totte manabigai no aru chishi gakushu towa: ikikata ya shakai no arikata wo
kangaeru gakushu (What is regional geography education that is valuable for students?
Education that discusses ways of living and how societies should be). Nihon syakaika kyoiku
gakkai zenkoku taikai happyo ronbun-shu (Proc Jpn Assoc Social Stud Ann Conf) 6:258-261
Benesse Educational Research & Development Institute (2010) Dai 5 kai gakushu shido kihonchosa:
Shogakko,Chugakko ban (Fifth basic survey of academic performance in elementary school and
junior high school). Benesse Educational Research & Development Institute, Tokyo. http://berd. . Accessed 2 Dec 2013
Iwamoto H et al (2010) Shakaika chiriteki bunya ni okeru tangen “Mijika na Chiiki” no jissen-
jokyo: zenkoku no chugakk shakaika kyoin taisho no anketo chosa wo tooshite (On “com-
munity area” geographical education in social studies at japanese junior high school: through
the questionnaire research to social studies teachers). Nihon chiri gakkai happyo youshi-shu
(Proc General Meet Assoc Jpn Geogr) 78:172
National Institute for Educational Policy Research (2007) Heisei 17 nendo kyoiku katei jisshi
jokyo chosa (kotogakko) chosa kekka gaiyo: Chiri-rekishi (Results of state of the implementa-
tion of the national curriculum for senior high schools in 2005: geography and history).
National Institute for Educational Policy Research, Tokyo.
katei_h17_h/index.htm . Accessed 2 Dec 2013
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