Geography Reference
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Kim HJ (2009) Geographical inquiry-based learning in Japan. In: Introducing “spatial thinking” to
geography education, Proceedings of the IGU-CGE Tsukuba conference (Tsukuba), pp 221-227
Kim HH, Ryu JM (2006) The struggle to revive geography in the national curriculum: identity
politics of social studies education in Korea. In: Changes in geographical education: past, pres-
ent and future, Proceedings of the IGU-CGE symposium (Brisbane), pp 249-253
Kwan T (2003) Geography and citizenship education in Hong Kong. Int Res Geogr Environ
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Lam CC et al (2006) Geographical education in east Asia. In: Lidstone J, Williams M (eds)
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challenges. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 139-154
Lee TN (2006) Education for sustainable development-some observations from Hong Kong.
In: Changes in geographical education: past, present and future, Proceedings of the IGU-CGE
symposium (Brisbane), pp 286-290
Lee JW et al (2007) The status of education for sustainable development in the schools: United States
and South Korea. In: Geographical views on education for sustainable development, Proceedings
of the Lucerne-symposium (Lucerne), pp 171-177
MEST (2007) Junghakkyo Kyoyukkwajeong Haeseolseo (Guideline of the school curriculum for
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MEXT (2008) Chugakko gakushu shido yoryo kaisetsu shakai hen (Guideline of the course of
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MOE (2005) Geography syllabus lower secondary. Ministry of Education, Singapore
Nagata S (2009) Pollution education in social studies as a part of ESD in elementary Schools. In:
Introducing “spatial thinking” to geography education, Proceedings of the IGU-CGE Tsukuba
Conference (Tsukuba), pp 110-114
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