Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 17
Trends of School Geography in Asia
Hyunjin Kim
Abstract To understand current trends of school geography in Asia, this chapter
compares and contrasts Geography curricula in Singapore, Hong Kong, South
Korea, and Japan. It also identifi es similarities and differences between knowledge,
skills, and values in the junior high school Geography curriculum. The current
curriculum in these countries is designed by merging several approaches, and pro-
motes inquiry-based learning for students to develop a wide range of skills.
Furthermore, school geography provides students with an understanding of human
and environmental relationships, as an especially important subject in education for
sustainable development.
Keywords Asia • Current trends • Junior high school curriculum • School
Historically in Asia, school geography is offered to students in two ways, either as
a separate subject or as a part of an integrated subject (Lam et al. 2006 ). Geography
in Singapore and Hong Kong are strongly infl uenced by British tradition. South
Korea and Japan, however, follow the U.S. and geography is embedded in social
studies. These countries have undergone curriculum reform in the past 10 years.
Although the geography curriculum contains objectives and contents that relate to
regional and national needs, there is also a need to address globalization.
This chapter is presented in three parts. It begins with a brief description of
geography's place in the school curriculum. Next, it analyzes curriculum struc-
ture, focusing on the junior high school level. In the third part, the importance of
geography knowledge, skills, and values in the junior high school curriculum is
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