Geography Reference
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Geography Education After 2011
In recent years, researchers have suggested curricula and lesson development to propel
geographical decision-making and social participation as a background to Geography
education as ESD. Studies on regional geography have been conducted because they
were valued in the 2008 and 2009 National Curriculum Standards. In addition, the topic
of citizenship construction is increasingly represented in those curricula.
Ito ( 2012 ) reported a trend in modern geography education in the UK, with
comparison to the theoretical claims and curriculum of Standish and Lambert. That
article is valuable because it details the national curriculum revision trend in the UK,
in conjunction with their outlook on knowledge and regional geography study.
Nakayama et al. ( 2011 ) introduced concrete examples for incorporating the per-
spective of the UN report entitled “Decade of ESD”. They also suggested examples
for the development of geography education. In addition, Izumi et al. ( 2012 ) sug-
gested making “social participation” a keyword in ESD. Ohnishi ( 2008 ) translated
the Lucerne Declaration, which is a valuable resource that touches on the sustainable
development of geography education
Yoshimizu ( 2011 ) used the concept of geographic scale to design curricula with
a multi-scale approach. Using this as a model, Takeuchi ( 2012 ) proposed geography
education based on various scales that includes a multi-layered citizenship resource.
A review of Japanese research on geography education demonstrates the broad and
detailed nature of this fi eld. It also indicates a scarcity of research on topics such as
geographic theories, student knowledge acquisition, and the use of teaching evalua-
tions to improve geography learning. These are some of the topics in need of further
research. To build cumulative capacity, geography education research should col-
laborate with other fi elds such as philosophy, educational studies, and cultural
humanities among other subjects.
Ando T (1993) Doushin-en kakudai ron no seiritsu to hihanteki tenkai: America shougakkou cur-
riculum kousei genri no kenkyu (Establishment of expanding concentric circles theory and
critical developments: study of elementary school social studies curriculum composition in the
United States). Kazamashobo, Tokyo
Arai M (2011) New Zealand no chuutoubu shakaika gakusyu to koutoubu chiri gakusyu: Shiminsei
wo juushi suru shakaika chiri kyouiku (Social studies and geography in secondary education in
New Zealand: geography in social studies that hold training citizenship in great account). Shin
Chiri (New Geogr) 59(1):6-27
Gion Z (2009) Shakai ninshiki keisei no shiten kara mita Fukuoka ken chiri kyouiku jissenshi
(History of geography lessons in Fukuoka Prefecture from the viewpoint of social recognition
formation). Kaichosha, Fukuoka
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