Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 14
GIS and Geography Education in Japan
Tomoaki Ito
Abstract Geographic Information System (GIS) has been included for the fi rst
time in Japan's revised National Curriculum Standards. What is required to implement
GIS in Japanese geography education? How do teachers use GIS to meet the aims
set out in the National Curriculum Standards? The National Curriculum Standards
place great importance on GIS in senior high school geography classes, requiring
that students use this technology throughout their geography education to develop
relevant skills in geography. GIS is actively included in the new National Curriculum
Standards for senior high schools, more so than in other subjects (such as Information
classes in senior high school, Social Studies in junior high school, and others).
However, the teaching of GIS is not fully implemented because many problems exist.
For example, teachers need to recognize the value of GIS in imparting geographic
skills and they need to be part of a community that shares best teaching methods and
lesson plans. An environment that enriches geography teaching through GIS use is
of great importance.
Keywords GIS • New National Curriculum Standards • Senior high school •
Sharing • Teaching materials
The discussion to include geographic information systems (GIS) in geography
education has been ongoing since the late 1990s. The new national curriculum of
2009, implemented beginning in 2013, stipulates that GIS is to be taught in senior
high school geography. This represents a turning point in Japan. GIS has transitioned
from being in an exploratory phase to a point where best implementation practices
are being discussed. However, teacher interest in adapting GIS to the classroom is
low, and it is diffi cult to determine whether GIS has been suffi ciently integrated into
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