Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Bundle C
Bun d dle
d d C
Bu u dle
Bundle B
d d dl
d d
d l B
Package X
Priva a a a a a at e e e
Bundle A
P P P Pac
Package X
kage X X X X X X
Package Z
Figure 12.5 The thread context ClassLoader gives Java code in Bundle A visibility of classes that
aren't normally in its class space (solid gray area). But in an OSGi environment, the class space of the
thread context ClassLoader (dotted area) may exclude classes normally visible to Bundle A.
not seem like a big deal, but it leads to some sloppy coding. Libraries often end up
using the thread context ClassLoader to load their own internal classes, even though
it's only supposed to find classes from the application. For most Java EE environments
this will never be a problem, but, as we know, OSG i is a little different (see figure 12.5).
In OSG i, the thread context ClassLoader isn't defined. This immediately causes a sig-
nificant problem for libraries that rely on it. For some libraries, the lack of a thread con-
text ClassLoader is fatal, and others can only limp along in a less-than-desirable way.
Because the thread context ClassLoader isn't defined by OSG i, framework imple-
mentations are free to do as they see fit. This means that the situation for libraries
isn't as bad as it might be. In Equinox, for example, if there's no thread context
ClassLoader explicitly set, then the framework provides one for you. This avoids
unpleasant NullPointerException s, and generally makes life a lot easier, but there's
an important question. What classloader do you get?
In OSG i, the classloading model doesn't lend itself well to providing a thread con-
text ClassLoader . Clearly it doesn't make much sense to rely on the Java SE model of a
single thread context ClassLoader set when the thread is created. As threads pass
through different bundles, it would be a huge violation of OSG i's modularity for them
all to see the internals of the bundle that created the thread. The Java EE model
makes more sense, in that the thread context ClassLoader is set differently at various
points through the execution of the application. Unfortunately, core OSG i doesn't
define things like servlets or EJB s, but it does define bundles. This means that the
default thread context ClassLoader is the classloader for the bundle that loaded the
currently executing class.
By setting the thread context ClassLoader in this way, Equinox prevents many librar-
ies from completely collapsing, but it doesn't help them to get visibility to resources out-
side their bundle. The bundle also becomes nonportable. As with reflective
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