Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 7.1
Interaction between the resolution and cardinality directives
resolution directive
cardinality directive
Number of wired capabilities
Exactly one
One or more
Zero or one
Zero or more
The uses directive is a comma-separated list of packages used by a capability. The rea-
son this information is interesting is because it helps the resolver ensure that the class
space is consistent. Although you could generate uses directives by hand, it's better to
have a tool do it. We'll come back to uses constraints in section 7.2.1.
The effective directive is almost certainly the one that you'll have the least contact
with. The effective directive applies to both requirements and capabilities, and is
used to determine at what time that requirement is needed, or when the capability
becomes available. There's only one defined value, which is the default. This value is
resolve . If a requirement is effective at resolve time, it must be taken into account dur-
ing the resolution process. If a requirement is effective at any other time, it isn't pro-
cessed by the resolver because it has no resolution impact. Similarly, a resolve-time
capability can be used by the resolver to satisfy requirements, but a capability with any
other effective time can't, and is ignored.
Given that an effective directive of anything other than resolve is more or less
ignored by the OSG i resolver, you might think that it isn't useful. This isn't true, although
its use is fairly specific. A good example of a nonresolve time requirement is configura-
tion. The OSG i Compendium Specification defines the Configuration Admin service,
which can inject configuration into managed services. To be injected with configura-
tion, your managed service must specify a persistent identifier ( PID ), which identifies
the configuration dictionary to be injected. This clearly has no impact on the resolution
of your bundle; however, without the configuration dictionary your service will be rel-
atively useless. Some proposed provisioning systems allow you to express an active time
requirement on a configuration dictionary with a particular PID . This requirement
allows the provisioning system to identify a configuration resource (with the right PID )
and make the configuration available for you at runtime. The OSG i Resolver Service
Specification suggests using a value of active for this case, but implementations are free
to choose a value that makes sense within their requirement's namespace.
As far as the resolution process is concerned, the filter directive is probably the most
important of all the directives. The filter directive exists on a requirement and con-
tains an LDAP filter that's used to determine whether a particular capability satisfies
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