Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Part 2
Building better enterprise
OSGi applications
Now that you've written a complete enterprise OSG i application, what are
the things you need to know to be a really effective enterprise OSG i developer?
In this part, we'll explore best practices and the tools you should be bringing
into your work flow.
Chapter 5 explains how to structure your applications and introduces a num-
ber of OSG i patterns and best practices. Of particular importance is the white-
board pattern, a valuable pattern available in OSG i.
Chapter 6 considers dynamism and Blueprint in more depth. One of the rea-
sons we really like Blueprint is how well it handles OSG i's dynamism.
Chapter 7 introduces OBR , a provisioning technology that allows you to
dynamically install application dependencies.
Chapter 8 provides a guide to a number of useful build tools and test frame-
works. These can considerably simplify the process of developing with OSG i.
Chapter 9 carries on the discussion of useful tools by exploring the OSG i sup-
port in a range of well-known IDE s.
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