Graphics Reference
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float length(genType x)
Returns the length of the vector x , ([]
[ ]
float distance(genType p0,
genType p1)
Returns the distance between p0 and p1 : length(p0 - p1) .
float dot(genType x,
genType y)
Returns the dot product of x and y : x[0]*y[0]+x[1]*y[1]+... .
vec3 cross(vec3 x, vec3 y)
Returns the cross product of x and y ,
xy yx
xy yx
xy yx
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[][] [][]
[][] [][]
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genType normalize(genType x)
Returns a vector in the same direction as x, but with a length of 1,
Make N face in the direction of Nref . If dot ( Nref , I  ) < 0 return N ,
otherwise return - N .
genType faceforward(
genType N,
genType I,
genType Nref)
genType reflect(genType I,
genType N)
For the incident vector I and surface orientation N , returns the
reflection direction: I − 2 * dot ( N , I  )  *  N . The normal vector N must
already be normalized in order to achieve the correct result.
genType refract(genType I,
genType N,
float eta)
For the incident vector I and surface normal N , and the ratio of
indices of refraction eta , return the refraction vector. The result is
computed by
if (k < 0.0)
return genType(0.0)
return eta*I-(eta*dot(N,I)+sqrt(k))*N.
The incident vector I and the normal vector N must already be
normalized in order to achieve the correct result.
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