Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Texture1D texture_unit
Read a 1D texture from a file in a raw format, which
consists of one 4-byte integer giving the dimension of
the texture and then four components per texel speci-
fying the red, green, blue, and alpha of that texel as
either unsigned bytes or 32-bit floating point numbers.
Read a 2D texture from a file. Don't use texture units
2 or 3 unless you want to override the 2D and 3D
noise textures. If the filename ends in a .bmp suffix,
an uncompressed BMP image file is assumed, with
red, green, and blue read from the file (no alpha). Any
other ilename patern implies a “raw” ile format,
which is described later. The four components can be
all unsigned bytes or all 32-bit floating point.
Texture2D texture_unit
Read a 3D texture from a file in a raw format, which
consists of three binary 4-byte integers giving the X ,
Y , and Z dimensions of the volume, and then four
components per texel specifying the red, green, blue,
and alpha of that texel. The four components can be all
unsigned bytes or all 32-bit floating point.
Texture3D texture_unit
Generate a cubemap texture on texture unit
texture_unit with the six BMP image face files, as
CubeMap texture_unit \
posxfile negxfile
posyfile negyfile
poszfile negzfile
Specifying Shaders
These commands specify the shaders that are to be compiled and linked with
your geometry to produce the image. For geometry shaders they also include
specifications of the input and output geometry types they will use.
file.vert Specify a vertex shader filename.
file.tcs Specify a tessellation control shader filename.
file.tes Specify a tessellation evaluation shader filename.
file.geom Specify a geometry shader filename.
file.frag Specify a fragment shader filename.
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