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3.4.6 Third-Party Auditing of Cloud Data
We assume that file F (potentially encoded using Reed-Solomon codes) is
divided into n blocks m 1 , m 2 , … , m n , where m i
∈ and q is a large prime.
Let e : G × G G T be a bilinear map and H : {0, 1} * G be a hash function that
converts binary strings to elements of G and is viewed as a random oracle.
Let g be the generator of G .
The data-auditing scheme consists of the following steps:
Setup : This step initializes the system and generates public and
secret keys.
1. The client generates a random signing key pair ( ssk , spk ) by
invoking KeyGen (1 k ). Then, the client chooses a random α∈ q
and computes v = g α . The secret key is sk = {α, ssk }, and the public
key is pk = { v , spk }.
SigGen (·) is invoked to preprocess the file F and to generate
metadata before sending the file to the cloud server. Given
F  = ( m 1 , m 2 , … , m n ), the client chooses a random element u G .
SigGen ( sk , F ) is invoked to preprocess the file F and to generate
metadata before sending the file to the cloud server. Let t = ile
name || n || u || SSig ssk ( ilename || n || u ) be the file tag for F . Then, the
client computes signature σ i for each block m i ( i = 1, 2, … , n ) as
= ()
Hm u
. We denote the set of signatures by Φ = {σ i } 1≤ i n .
3. The client generates the rank-based skip list, where the bottom
level nodes contain the hashes of m i , 1 ≤ i n denoted by H ( m i ).
The client signs the hash H ( f ( S )), where S is the start node and f ( S )
is the label of the start node. The client signs using the private
key α: sig sk ( H ( f ( S ))) ← ( H ( f ( S ))) α .
5. The client sends { F , t , Φ, sig sk ( H ( f ( S )))} to the cloud server.
6. The client now deletes { F , Φ, sig sk ( H ( f ( S )))}.
Integrity verification protocol : Once the client has stored the data on
the cloud storage server, the verification protocol can be initiated.
The client can also perform the integrity verification on the data
using a similar process or the task can be delegated to a third-party
auditor (TPA).
1. The TPA first uses spk to verify the signature on t . If the verifica-
tion fails, TPA returns FA LSE ; otherwise, it recovers u from t .
The TPA chooses a random value r ∈ [1, n ] and requests the cloud
server to send the table Π( r ). The cloud server runs Algorithm 1
to calculate Π( r ).
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