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19. Yonggang Wang, Sheng Wang, and Daliang Zhou. Retrieving and index-
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Gansen Zhao, and Chunming Rong, editors, Proceedings of the First International
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20. Yang Xiaoqiang and Deng Yuejin. Exploration of cloud computing technolo-
gies for geographic information services. In Yu Liu and Aijun Chen, editors,
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Geoinformatics 2010 , pages 1-5.
Beijing: IEEE, 2010.
21. Chaowei Yang, Michael Goodchild, Qunying Huang, Doug Nebert, Robert
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can the geospatial sciences use and help shape cloud computing? International
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22. Chaowei Yang and Qunying Huang. Spatial Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach .
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2013.
23. Chaowei Yang, David W. Wong, Ruixin Yang, Menas Kafatos, and Qi Li.
Performance-improving techniques in web-based GIS. International Journal of
Geographical Information Science , 19(3):319-342, 2005.
24. Peng Yue, Hongxiu Zhou, Jianya Gong, and Lei Hu. Geoprocessing in cloud
computing platforms—a comparative analysis. International Journal of Digital Earth ,
6(4):1-22, 2012.
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