Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
12.1 Introduction to Modifiers
12.2 Modifier Stacks
12.3 Modifiers for Generating
12.4 Modifiers for Deforming
12.5 Modifiers for Simulating
“Object Modifiers” button
Properties window
Figure 12.1
12.1 Introduction to Modifiers
A modifier in Blender is the application of a process or algorithm upon an object. In other
words, once you have created an object in the scene you can apply a neat set of data that
will change the shape or way the objects behave. The modifiers are designed to take some of
the hard work out of shaping an object. Be warned, though, that applying some of Blender's
modifiers is not straightforward and has to be performed in conjunction with other pro-
cesses. Without some instruction on how to apply the modifiers, a lot of trial and error can
be involved. To save you all that trouble, the following chapter on modifiers is offered as a
guide. You will still have to experiment and record your findings to become proficient in
the application of modifiers.
Modifiers are found in the properties window - “Object Modifiers” button (Figure 12.1).
The “Object Modifiers” button is only displayed when an object to which a modifier can be
applied is in the 3D window. Some objects cannot have modifiers applied. Note that if there
are objects in the 3D window to which modifiers may be applied (not necessarily selected),
clicking the “Add Modifier” button and selecting a modifier will apply a modifier to the
last object that was selected. This occurs even though that object is not selected at the time.
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