Graphics Programs Reference
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Drag the handle to the right.
Figure 9.44
Figure 9.45
Whoops, the cube doesn't reach the end of the path! In the timeline window, the end
frame of the animation is still set at 250, so the animation replays after 250 frames and the
cube never reaches the end of the path. In the timeline window, change the “End” value
to 400 and replay (Figure 9.45). Now we're right!
Since the animation curve in the graph editor window is a Bezier-type curve, we can
add handles to it to further refine movement. Press Ctrl and click the LMB on the curve to
add a handle. Add another handle and then press the G key (grab) and position the handles
approximately as shown in Figure 9.46. When the animation is replayed, the cube moves
along the path then reverses before continuing on to the end. If the animation curve were
horizontal between the two intermediate handles, the cube would simply stop for a rest
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