Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7.25
Bordeaux, France. Built beginning in 1472, St. Michael's
Tower rises over Bordeaux, France, marking the importance of the
Catholic Church in Bordeaux's history and culture.
© H. J. de Blij.
Figure 7.26
Singapore. Built beginning in 1834, St. Andrew's Cathedral
stands on spacious grounds between Singapore's commercial
center and hotel district. The church was built by the Church
of England and stands in the midst of a city that is predomi-
nantly Chinese with Buddhist, Hindu, and Muslim minorities.
© H. J. de Blij.
square or plaza in front of the church, crowds gathered
for ceremonies and festivals, and the church was always
present—even if the event was not primarily religious.
Good harvests, military victories, public announce-
ments, and much else took place in the shadow of the
symbol of religious authority. As a result of mercantil-
ism and colonialism, Europeans exported the ornate
architecture of European Christian churches wherever
they settled (Fig. 7.26).
The Reformation, the rise of secularism, and the
decline of organized religion are reflected in the cul-
tural landscape as well. Many of the ornate churches
in the town squares of medieval cities now function
as museums instead of serving active congregations.
Other churches in secular regions are closing their
doors or significantly reducing the number of religious
services offered. Yet, not all of Europe's sacred sites
have become secularized. Famous cathedrals continue
to hold services while tourists peruse the interior of the
vast churches. And other sacred sites of Christianity,
such as churches for specific saints, places where sig-
nificant events occurred, and Vatican City in Rome,
are still major pilgrimage sites in Europe. When in
Rome, the leader of the Catholic Church, the pope,
holds an outdoor service for pilgrims to Vatican City,
attracting thousands of followers to St. Peter's Square
each week (Fig. 7.27).
Cities in Europe are also home to centuries-old
Christian cemeteries. Traditionally, Christians bury,
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