Biology Reference
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channel is receiving photons while the other is not. Conversely, the
linear foldamer
often demonstrates correlated switching from
green to red, although the switching rarely creates completely
unfolded (
85% green channel) or completely folded (100% red
channel) nanostructures. Many of these switching events are slow
enough to resolve even with the CCD spectra. However, there are
some switching events observable in the time traces that are not
apparent in the slower spectra. For example, a red-channel peak
(marked with a *) at
dual time trace (Fig. 5.26)
displays red emission in the absence of green emission with time-
dependent spectral detail that is unresolved during a 2 s spectral
100 s in the
Figure 5.26
Dual channels monitor both red fluorescence and green
fluorescence time trace for the
respectively. The red trace is photons >560 nm while the
green trace represents photons <560 nm. Data were collected
in 20 ms bins. The red trace is offset from the baseline by 100
counts for better clarity.
(top) and
2 x 2
The Emission of p -Stacks
Linear foldamers have active spectral dynamics: The larger the
foldamers (more chromophore units), the more colorful the spectral
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