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Java 7 for now until Java 8 is officially supported. Maven is also a Java-based tool, and it
specifically requires a JDK to be installed rather than simply a JRE (Java Runtime Envir-
You should download and install the latest Oracle JDK (Java SE 7u60 at the time of
writing) into a JAVA_HOME directory. OS-specific downloads can be found at with installation instruc-
tions provided at .
Follow the JDK installation instructions, not the JRE instructions!
Install Maven (3.0.5+)
Maven ( ) is a Java-based development framework that's used to
help manage the setup, building, compiling, and dependency resolution aspects of your
code, including the running of tests. These are all part of its well-known and standardized
processcalledthe Maven lifecycle ,whichiscontrolledbyaprojectobjectmodelfile,a.k.a.
the pom.xml file.
With its standardized structure and process, one of the nice things about Maven is that
whenever a user encounters a new Maven project, they'll generally be able to get up and
running quickly. Everything will be in the places they expect, and common commands are
used to build and execute the code.
Another benefit to using Maven is its dependency management system. You simply need
to tell Maven what libraries you are dependent on, and it will generally go and fetch them
(as well as any subdependencies)—no manual downloading is required. That means all the
source code can be built and tests can be run through Maven.
you can specify that version 3.1.1.RELEASE of the spring-data-neo4j library is
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