Database Reference
In-Depth Information
For more information on what all the options are, refer to the “Server Configuration”
section in chapter 22 of the Neo4j Manual:
server-configuration.html .
5 . Open up a terminal (Mac/Linux) or command prompt (Windows) in your
NEO4J_HOME directory, and start the database by executing the neo4j script with
the start command:
• Linux/Mac: bin/neo4j start
• Windows: bin\neo4j.bat start
6 . Verify that the server is up by going to http://localhost:7474 and checking that the
Neo4j browser window is displayed (see section A.2 ) .
7 . To shut down the server, execute the neo4j script with the stop command:
• Linux/Mac: bin/neo4j stop
• Windows: bin\neo4j.bat stop
The official installation procedure can also be found in the “Server Installation” section
in chapter 21 of the Neo4j Manual:
tion.html .
A.2. Neo4j browser
Neo4j server comes with a neat browser available out of the box. Visit ht-
tp://localhost:7474/browser on a running server instance to have a look. The first screen
you encounter will be the splash page and will look something like figure A.1 .
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