Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Read-through approach may have per-
formance implications if too many
fine-grained calls are occurring.
Read-through approach may be more
Advanced AspectJ mapping mode
Provides ability to use active record
persistence pattern if required.
Bugs involving implicit transactions
can be harder to track down and debug.
Tooling, specifically around support for
AspectJ in IDEs such as Eclipse and
IntelliJ, has been known to cause deve-
lopers many headaches and sleepless
nights and was one of the major gripes
by the Neo4j community.
9.5. Performing queries and traversals
To wrap up this chapter, let's discuss how SDN extends its easy programming model to be
able to specify and make use of queries and traversals in a very simple manner. Suppose
you want to find information about a user's friends of friends. We'll use a submodel of the
main domain to explore this scenario further, as shown in figure 9.9 . Focusing on the user
John, the friends of friends are ultimately identified as those users who fall into the last
segment on the right.
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