Database Reference
In-Depth Information
public <U extends T> Iterable<U> save(Iterable<U> en-
public User findOne(Long id);
public boolean exists(Long id);
public Result<User> findAll();
public void delete(User entity);
SDN builds on the abstraction concept defined in the Spring Data Commons module that
provides shared infrastructure across Spring Data projects. SDN takes on the responsib-
ility of implementing the base methods in the interface that your repository extends (for
example, the GraphRepository interface in the UserRepository case), providing
a uniform set of functionality to support common loading, saving, querying, indexing, and
traversing operations specific to an entity.
The following listing depicts how the UserRepository can be used to save and load
Listing 9.9. Loading and saving data via the UserRepository
UserRepository userRepository;
public void saveAndLoad() {
User user = new User("john001","John");
User savedUser =;
User loadedUser = userRepository.findOne(savedUser.getNodeId());
User loadedUserViaIndex =
userRepository.findBySchemaPropertyValue ("userId","john001");
You'll notice that this code is very similar to that used by the Neo4jTemplate approach
in listing 9.7 (with the exception that you don't have to provide a target type). The Re- method persists the entity into the graph, with the loading being ac-
complished with findOne (based on a node ID) or findBySchemaPropertyValue
(based on an index lookup, against the userId property in this case). For Spring to know
about any repository interfaces you define, it needs to be told. Adding the following code
into your Spring XML configuration file will do the trick:
<neo4j:repositories base-
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