Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Within the Movie node entity, the RelatedToVia annotation marks the views
fieldasrepresentative of“allthe HAS_SEEN relationships(withanyassociatedproperties)
between this movie and any users who have actually watched it.”
Inbothcasesthe Viewing classprovidesawaytoaccesstheextracontextualinformation
this case, the extra contextual information is the specific rating provided for each viewing.
You may at this stage be wondering why in one case the relationship was modeled with a
Set (on the User ) and with an Iterable in the other (on the Movie ). All will be re-
vealed in the next section, so keep reading!
In the next section we'll continue to detail some of the finer points defining different types
of relationships between node entities, including where the rich relationship details are re-
quired to fully understand the context.
9.2.5. Modeling relationships between node entities
Being able to model node and relationship entities with their simple associated properties
in isolation will take you only so far. Models start getting interesting when you're able to
actually connect them to explore the relationships between them, and in this section, we'll
cover how to do that.
The end of the previous section provided a preview of how such a connection could be es-
tablished between the User and Movie entities through the Viewing relationship entity.
You saw how the HAS_SEEN relationship between Users and Movies was modeled as
a physical POJO (the Viewing class) and was then referred to from the entities. In that
particular case, a whole separate class ( Viewing ) was used to represent the relationship
in context. But what about other, simpler relationships, such as “John is a friend of Jack”?
Do you also need a dedicated relationship entity class for such cases? You'll be pleased to
know the answer is no—they can be dealt with in a much simpler manner.
Figure 9.5 recaps the relationships between node entities that you're potentially interested
in referencing from the node entities.
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