Database Reference
In-Depth Information
After matching the movies the user has seen, as we've discussed, you order the results by
the name property
. Because you're interested in the third page of the results, you skip
two pages' worth (20) of entries
. Finally, you limit the returned result set to the page
size (10 in this example).
The Neo4j online documentation includes an easily printable Cypher reference card with
common syntax and query details: .
Cypher performance
of the Neo4j Traversal API or Core Java API. But when running more complex queries,
with complex pattern matching or intensive filtering, Cypher will not perform as well as
the Traversal API or Core Java API. In some cases the difference can be an order of mag-
nitude or more greater.
As Cypher is relatively young, its developers have concentrated on adding all required
functionality to it first; performance has not been the priority. As of Neo4j 2.0, however,
it possible to fine-tune Cypher performance to be better than the Traversal API. Once the
feature set becomes stable, you can expect performance tuning of the Cypher parser and
execution engine to produce much better results.
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