Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Part 2. Application Development with Neo4j
In part 2 we'll cover aspects of building applications with Neo4j.
Chapter 6 introducesCypher,thehumangraphquerylanguage.Cypherprovidesalanguage-
antdatabase, chapter 7 focusesontransactions, andhowyoucancontrolandtakeadvantage
of this feature to ensure your application can query and store data in a consistent manner.
Chapter 8 returns to the traversal API, with an even deeper dive to explore some more ad-
vanced options for navigating the graph via this dedicated API.
Chapter 9 introduces Spring Data Neo4j (SDN), a graph object mapping library which, for
certain application use cases such as those manipulating a very rich domain model, can
prove very useful for speeding up and simplifying development.
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