Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
( ; Singuttara Hill, Dagon; admission $8/K8000; 4am-10pm) Vis-
ible from almost anywhere in Yangon, this is one of Buddhism's most sacred sites. The
325ft zedi , adorned with 27 metric tons of gold leaf and thousands of diamonds and other
gems, is believed to enshrine eight hairs of the Gautama Buddha as well as relics of three
former buddhas.
Four long, graceful entrance stairways lead to the main terrace which, depending on
the time of day you visit, can be quiet and contemplative or bustling and raucous. If you
prefer the quiet and reflective, then visit in the cool of dawn. Otherwise pay your re-
spects when the golden stupa flames crimson and burnt orange in the setting sun.
The following covers the history and layout of Shwedagon Paya. Freelance guides
(they'll locate you before you can find them) can provide more details. Tour agencies can
also arrange guides; a good tour, including the surrounding area, is offered by Khiri
Travel ( Click here ) .
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