Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Air KBZ ( in Myeik 059-42224, in Yangon 01-372 977; ; 53 (B) St; 9am-6pm)
and Myanma Airways ( Click here ) link Myeik with Kawthoung ($80 to $88, 45 minutes,
twice daily) and Yangon ($130 to $147, two hours, twice daily), the latter via a stop in
Dawei ($75 to $78, 30 minutes, twice daily).
Three companies operate speedboats from Myeik, departing from Sake Nge Jetty and
bound north to Dawei ($25, five hours, 11am) and south to Kawthoung ($40, seven
hours, 8am). Tickets are sold from various vendors (Sake Nge Jetty Rd;
6am-7pm) op-
posite Sake Nge Jetty.
Getting Around
Most destinations in central Myeik are walkable; a motorcycle taxi to/from Dolphin
Guest House will run K1000, to Myeik's airport, just east of town, about K2000.
Myeik Archipelago
In the extreme south of the Tanintharyi coast where Myanmar and Thailand share a nar-
row peninsula, are the beautiful islands of the Myeik Archipelago (also known as the
Mergui Archipelago). Far beyond the value of any local product (rubber, marine products
or swiftlets' nests) the region has huge, almost completely untapped potential in the
beachgoing and ecotourist market. For a run down of some of the archipelago's note-
worthy islands and dive sites, Click here . Most of the islands are uninhabited, though a
few are home to tiny villages with mixed populations of Burmese and 'sea gypsies', also
known as the Moken, a nomadic seafaring people who sail from island to island, stop-
ping off to repair their boats or fishing nets (for more on the Moken, Click here ) .
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