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Yo u' l l n o t i c e t h a t y o u' v e p u l l e d i n d i f f e r e n t t y p e s o f a s s e t s : g r a p h i c s , a u d i o f i l e s , a n d m o v -
ies. In an upcoming exercise, you'll set up Final Cut Server to pull in these different types
of files tagged based on filters, which will give you greater flexibility when it comes to
automated metadata tagging.
Breaking Down the Scan
The scans you created in the previous exercises/lessons (and in the watchers coming up)
are known as automations. An automation is a combination of a trigger and a response.
The triggers you've used so far were schedule-based (set to happen at a specific time or
at a recurring interval). As you'll find out later, triggers can also be based on metadata or
user actions. These triggers are used to activate a response. A response is an action in Final
Cut Server that can do a number of things. The most basic response is the scan, as you
configured earlier. You'll see throughout this topic that the responses are where the true
power of Final Cut Server comes alive.
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