Information Technology Reference
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Add to Cache The process of downloading an asset's primary representation and placing it in
the cache on your hard drive. This file then stays in the cache, and when you drag and drop the
asset using Final Cut Server's interface, a link for that file's location is passed to the location or
application to which you drag the file.
analyze A process, available only to administrators of Final Cut Server, that re-creates an asset's
other representations, using the primary representation. This is usually done because the primary
representation was changed outside of Final Cut Server, or because other representations were
not created or are missing.
annotation Timecode-based comments on a video-clip asset that can be viewed by others in
your organization. Annotations usually refer to particular sections of the clip, specified by In and
Out points.
asset A listing within the Final Cut Server catalog for a file that exists within one of its devices.
The file may be a variety of file types including media files, documents, or a folder saved as a
bundle. Metadata should be assigned to each asset to ensure fast and targeted catalog searches.
catalog The entire database of Final Cut Server, specifically referring to all of the assets and
productions that have been created.
check-in The process of returning an asset's primary representation to the Final Cut Server cata-
log after being checked out and then modified externally. If version control is enabled for the asset,
comments on the new version are recorded by the person checking the asset back in, and the old
version of the asset is saved in the Version device. Once checked in, the asset's lock is removed and
others may modify its metadata or check it out.
checkout The process of both locking and exporting an asset's primary representation for the
purposes of external modification. While an asset is checked out, other users are prohibited from
modifying the asset's metadata or other representations until the asset is checked in.
clip proxy A video clip that Final Cut Server makes from the primary representation of a video
asset. It is much smaller and of lower quality than the primary representation, and as a result, it is
easier to transmit over Ethernet networks.
codec Literally, COmpressor/DECompressor. A mathematical algorithm used to make a video
or audio clip smaller, while maintaining a predetermined level of quality.
Common Internet File System (CIFS) Network protocol for a Windows-based file server.
composite clip Tw o f i l e s f o u n d w i t h i n t h e s a m e f o l d e r o f a d e v i c e : a n R G B c l i p a n d i t s c o r r e s p o n d -
ing, separate alpha channel clip. Both files usually have the same name before their file extension.
contentbase A device used exclusively by Final Cut Server to store files for specific tasks like
proxies and version control. Contentbases are formed as bundles to protect their contents from
casual interaction in the Finder.
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