Information Technology Reference
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Note that the command in the previous step only gave you a subset of metadata infor-
mation. If you want to see all of the metadata for a given asset, you can have this
information outputted as XML. To do so, run the following command:
./fcsvr_client getmd /asset/200 --xml
Yo u c a n a l s o h a v e t h i s i n f o r m a t i o n w r i t t e n d i r e c t l y t o a f i l e i n s t e a d o f h a v i n g i t
outputted to the screen. To do so, run the following command:
./fcsvr_client getmd /asset/200 -xml > ~/Desktop/asset200.xml
Now that you've seen how to get the Asset ID for an asset through fcsvr_client and
how to get metadata information using this Asset ID, let's look at setting metadata
from the command line.
Using the same asset you've been using as an example, run the following command:
sudo ./fcsvr_client setmd /asset/200 CUST_DESCRIPTION="this is a test of the emergency
broadcast system"
NOTE This command requires sudo because fcsvr_client needs to access a domain
socket to set the metadata.
Switch back to the client application. If you closed it previously, reopen it from the
desktop icon and log in as an administrator. Do a search for Flow . Double-click the
Flow 1.jpg asset, and note that the metadata you set from the command line has been
automatically imported into the asset you specified.
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